Is There Anything I Should Avoid Eating Or Drinking Before My Appointment?

So you’ve got an upcoming appointment, and you’re wondering if there’s anything you should steer clear of in terms of food and drinks beforehand. Well, you’re in the right place! We’ve got the lowdown on what you should avoid indulging in before your appointment. Whether it’s a medical check-up or a dental visit, certain foods and beverages can have an impact on the accuracy of test results or the comfort of your visit. So before you reach for that hearty meal or refreshing beverage, let’s find out what you should skip for now.

Caffeinated Beverages


Coffee is a beloved morning ritual for many people around the world. However, if you have a sensitive stomach or are prone to acid reflux, it might be best to avoid drinking coffee before your appointment. Coffee contains high levels of caffeine, which can stimulate acid production in the stomach and irritate the lining. This can lead to indigestion and discomfort during your appointment. Additionally, the acidity of coffee can cause further irritation to the stomach. If you’re worried about feeling jittery or having an upset stomach during your appointment, it might be wise to skip that morning cup of joe.


Similar to coffee, tea contains caffeine and can have similar effects on your stomach. While tea is generally considered to be less acidic than coffee, it still has the potential to trigger acid reflux for some individuals. It’s important to note that herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint, are generally gentler on the stomach and may be a better choice if you’re looking to have a warm beverage before your appointment. Be sure to check the caffeine content of any tea you choose to drink, as some varieties, such as black or green tea, can still have a significant amount of caffeine.

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are popular among those looking for a quick boost of energy and focus. However, these beverages are often loaded with caffeine and sugar, making them a questionable choice before your appointment. The high caffeine content can lead to jitters, increased heart rate, and even anxiety. Moreover, the high sugar content can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which may leave you feeling restless and unable to concentrate during your appointment. It’s best to avoid energy drinks altogether before your appointment to ensure you can fully focus and feel your best.

Alcoholic Beverages


While grabbing a beer after work or on a night out might be a common occurrence, it’s important to reconsider consuming alcohol before your appointment. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it can dehydrate your body. This can potentially lead to a dry mouth, making it difficult for your dentist to perform certain procedures. Furthermore, alcohol can interact with certain medications and anesthesia, potentially causing complications during your appointment. It’s best to err on the side of caution and abstain from alcohol before your visit to the dentist.

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Like beer, wine contains alcohol and can have similar effects on your body. Additionally, wine, especially red wine, can stain your teeth. If you have a dental appointment coming up, it might be best to avoid drinking wine beforehand to prevent any potential staining and to ensure your dentist can accurately assess your oral health.


Liquor, such as vodka or whiskey, is often consumed in cocktails or straight. Similar to beer and wine, it’s best to avoid liquor before your dentist appointment. Apart from the potential dehydration and medication interactions, liquor can also cause dry mouth, which can make it uncomfortable for you and your dentist during your appointment. Staying hydrated with water is a much better choice before your visit.

Sugary Foods and Drinks


Soda is notorious for its high sugar content, and consuming it prior to a dental appointment may not be ideal. The bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugars from soda, producing acids that can damage your tooth enamel. Additionally, drinking soda can leave a sticky film on your teeth, making it harder for your dentist to clean them effectively. Opting for water or a sugar-free beverage before your appointment can help ensure a smoother and more comfortable experience.


Much like soda, candy is a sugary treat that can wreak havoc on your teeth if consumed before your dental appointment. Sticky candies, such as gummy bears or caramel, can stick to your teeth and provide a feast for the bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria produce acid, leading to tooth decay and cavities. It’s best to avoid indulging in candy before your appointment to maintain your oral health and make your dentist’s job easier.


While cookies can be a delicious treat, they often contain high amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates. These ingredients break down into simple sugars in your mouth, providing a feast for cavity-causing bacteria. If you have a dental appointment approaching, it’s best to limit your cookie intake to maintain good oral health. Opting for healthier snacks, such as fruits or nuts, can be a better choice to satisfy your cravings and nourish your body.

Spicy Foods

While spicy foods can add a burst of flavor to your meals, they can also cause discomfort before your dental appointment. Spicy foods, such as hot peppers or spicy sauces, can irritate the sensitive tissues in your mouth. This irritation can make it more difficult for your dentist to perform certain procedures comfortably. Additionally, some people may experience an upset stomach or indigestion after consuming spicy foods. It’s best to skip the spicy dishes before your appointment to ensure a more pleasant experience at the dentist.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions are popular ingredients in many dishes, adding depth and flavor. However, they can also leave a strong odor in your breath, which can linger even after brushing your teeth. Avoiding garlic and onions before your dental appointment can help prevent any potential embarrassment or discomfort for both you and your dentist. Opting for milder-flavored alternatives, such as herbs or spices, can still enhance the taste of your meals without leaving a lasting impact on your breath.

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Acidic Foods and Drinks

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, are high in citric acid. While these fruits are packed with vitamin C and beneficial nutrients, the acid content can erode tooth enamel over time, leading to tooth sensitivity and potential dental issues. Consuming citrus fruits before your dental appointment might increase sensitivity and make your teeth more susceptible to discomfort during certain procedures. It’s best to enjoy citrus fruits in moderation and to wait until after your appointment to consume them.


Tomatoes, whether eaten fresh or in sauces, contain high levels of natural acids. These acids can soften and weaken tooth enamel, making it more vulnerable to damage. Avoiding foods high in tomato content, such as tomato sauces or salsas, before your appointment can help maintain the strength of your teeth and ensure a comfortable experience at the dentist.


While vinegar can enhance the flavor of your salads and marinades, it’s important to be mindful of its acidic nature. Vinegar, whether in the form of vinegar-based dressings or pickled vegetables, can erode tooth enamel when consumed in excess. It’s best to limit your intake of vinegar-containing foods and drinks before your dental appointment to prevent any potential enamel damage and maintain your oral health.

Dairy Products


Milk is a common beverage enjoyed by many people, and it offers various health benefits due to its calcium content. However, if you’re lactose intolerant or have a sensitivity to dairy, it’s wise to avoid drinking milk before your dental appointment. Dairy products can sometimes cause an increase in mucus production, which can make it more challenging for your dentist to perform certain procedures comfortably.


Cheese is not only a delicious snack but can also be beneficial for your oral health. It contains calcium and phosphates, which can help strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the risk of cavities. However, if you have lactose intolerance or simply prefer to avoid dairy, it’s best to steer clear of cheese before your appointment to prevent any potential discomfort or complications.


Yogurt is a popular and nutritious food that offers probiotics and essential nutrients. However, similar to milk and cheese, if you have any sensitivities or intolerances to dairy, it’s best to avoid consuming yogurt before your dental appointment to ensure a comfortable experience. There are non-dairy alternatives available that can still provide the probiotic benefits without causing any discomfort.

Fatty Foods

Fast Food

Fast food often contains high levels of unhealthy fats, sodium, and sugar, making it a tempting but poor choice before your dental appointment. These foods can contribute to inflammation in the body and negatively affect your oral health. Furthermore, the greasiness of fast food can leave a film on your teeth, making it harder for your dentist to clean them thoroughly. It’s best to opt for a balanced meal comprising fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to support your overall health and maintain good oral hygiene.

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Deep-fried Foods

Deep-fried foods, such as french fries, fried chicken, or onion rings, can be delicious treats. However, these foods are typically high in unhealthy fats, which can contribute to inflammation and negatively affect your oral health. The greasy residue left on your teeth after consuming deep-fried foods can make it harder for your dentist to perform a thorough cleaning. To ensure a smoother and more effective dental appointment, it’s best to avoid deep-fried foods beforehand and opt for healthier alternatives.

Processed Meats

Processed meats, such as hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats, often contain high levels of sodium, unhealthy fats, and preservatives. Regular consumption of processed meats has been linked to various health issues, including periodontal disease. In order to maintain good oral health and support a smooth dental appointment, it’s best to avoid processed meats before your visit. Opting for lean sources of protein, such as chicken or fish, can be a healthier alternative.

Foods that Cause Bad Breath


Garlic is notorious for its ability to cause bad breath. The compounds released when garlic is consumed can enter the bloodstream and be carried to the lungs, resulting in garlic breath that can linger for hours. To spare both yourself and your dentist from the pungent aroma, it’s best to refrain from consuming garlic before your dental appointment. If you enjoy the flavor of garlic, consider adding a milder herb or spice to your meals as an alternative.


Similar to garlic, onions can also leave a lasting odor on your breath. The pungent compounds in onions can be released when they are chopped, and these compounds can linger in your mouth. It’s best to avoid consuming onions before your dental appointment to prevent any potential discomfort or embarrassment. If you still want to include onions in your meals, opt for milder varieties and consider using breath fresheners or chewing sugar-free gum afterward to help combat any lingering odors.


Certain types of fish, such as salmon or tuna, can leave a fishy aftertaste and odor on your breath. While fish is a healthy protein source, consuming it before your dental appointment might lead to temporary bad breath. It’s recommended to avoid fish in the hours leading up to your appointment to ensure fresh breath and a more pleasant experience at the dentist’s office.


In conclusion, there are several foods and beverages that it’s advisable to avoid before your dental appointment. Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and energy drinks can lead to stomach discomfort or restlessness. Alcoholic beverages may cause dehydration and potential medication interactions. Sugary foods and drinks can contribute to tooth decay and leave a sticky film on your teeth. Spicy foods, garlic, onions, and acidic foods can cause mouth and stomach irritation. Dairy products, fatty foods, and certain fish can also lead to discomfort or interfere with dental procedures. By being mindful of your food and beverage choices before your appointment, you can help ensure a more comfortable and successful visit to the dentist. It’s always best to speak with your dentist or dental professional about any concerns or specific dietary restrictions you may have.

